
When considering a permanent makeup technician a client would normally consider the following:  Experience, past results, sanitary working environment, professional capability, and an artistic flair would most certainly help!

Ohio Permanent MakeupKathy is a certified dermatitian with over 30 years in the cosmetic industry leaving a gratifying mark on numerous patients. Because of her artistic abilities with a background of art principals and color mixology, she has an eye for symmetry and colors that fit the seasonal tones for each individual patient. She is always working towards the most natural effect possible. In addition, she takes advantage of her acquired skills from the beauty business, using them to enhance the clients features and improve upon his or her looks. Kathy is a member of The American Academy of Micro-pigmentation that sets the standards for the industry. Kathy is certified in the State of Ohio as a Permanent Cosmetic Technician. In preparation for each procedure Kathy works closely with each patient to achieve the look he or she desires. The permanent makeup procedure is done in a comfortable, sterile environment. Ms Durst is well aware that the patient represents a reflection of her skills and talent, therefore, the patient will leave the office with a beautiful lasting impression!

In preparation for each procedure Kathy works closely with each patient to achieve the look he or she desires. The permanent makeup procedure is done on a comfortable, sterile environment. Ms Durst is well aware that the patient represents a reflection of her skills and talent therefore, the patient will leave the office with a beautiful lasting impression!

Ohio Permanent Makeup

Permanent Makeup Pre-Care and Post-Care Instructions

General Rules for ALL Permanent Makeup Procedures:

  • No Accutane use for one year prior to treatment
  • Do not take aspirin, niacin, vitamin E or ibuprofen and less medically necessary, 48 to 72 hours prior to the procedure. Tylenol is okay.
  • Schedule treatment so that it does not coincide with your menstrual cycle to minimize possible sensitivity at the treatment site.
  • Limit sun and UV exposure before treatment and refrain from exposure as much as possible for several weeks afterward. Wear a hat, use sunscreen and remember that the sun is NOT our friend!
  • Avoid alcohol or caffeine immediately prior to treatment. Alcohol thins the blood and caffeine makes it difficult to relax during treatment.
  • Do not rub the treatment area or expose it directly to the shower stream for several days after treatment.
  • Apply a cold pack to the treatment area for 10 minutes at a time for several hours after treatment if the area is swollen or uncomfortably sore.
  • Apply A&D, Aquaphor, or vitamin E to the treated area for one week after treatment.
  • Do not apply makeup to the treatment area until it has healed.
  • Try to avoid sweating for several days after treatment has the salt in your sweat may fade the pigment permanently.  (Salt is something that is used in the tattoo removing process)
  • Do not swim and till the treatment area is healed, as chlorine in saltwater configures pigment, and lakes are full of bacteria which is best to avoid during the healing process. Even after the treatment area has healed, it is wise to apply a barrier appointment such as Vaseline or vitamin E to the area before a swim.
  • Use clean hands or Q-tips to touch the treatment area during the healing process to avoid infection.
  • DO NOT RUB, SCRATCH, OR PICK AT THE TREATED AREA! Let the sloughing skin exfoliate naturally to avoid scarring or permanent loss of pigment.
  • Permanent makeup will appear darker and thicker immediately after treatment. This is because the pigment is initially visible in both the dermis and the epidermis. During the healing process, the treated epidermis will slowly slough off, Lightning the overall effect. Colors will fade, Lines will soften and the features will appear more natural within 3 to 5 days after treatment.
  • Schedule your touch-up approximately 3 weeks after treatment.
  • Contact me immediately – 24/7 – with any questions or concerns.

Permanent Eyebrows:

  • If you use an eyebrow pencil, bring it to the appointment.
  • If you get your eyebrows waxed or tinted, please have this done at least 72 hours prior to treatment. Wait at least one week, preferably longer, to wax or tint them after treatment.
  • Brows almost always require a touchup 3 to 4 weeks after the initial treatment. Because brows cover a larger surface area than other procedures, it is common for the pigment to fade unevenly. Faded areas will be filled during the touchup to create a more even appearance.

Permanent Eyeliner: 

  • If you have hypersensitive eyes, watery eyes, tear duct plugs, or severe allergies, this may not be the procedure for you. Our eyes produced saline which is salt, and in access make cause the implanted pigment to fade or, in some cases, not take it all.
  • Do not wear contact lenses to your appointment-Bring glasses if you have them. You may wear clean contacts after the treatment, but preferable to wait 24 hours to do so.
  • Do not wear any eyeliner or mascara to your appointment. If you use eyeliner bring it with you if you prefer to show me how do you typically apply it.
  • Do not apply mascara to the base of your lashes for 72 hours after treatment. You made ‘tip’ the lashes during that timeframe, but it is preferable to avoid mascara altogether. I recommend that you use only new eyeliners in mascaras after treatment to avoid the risk of infection.
  • DO NOT USE glycol, oily makeup remover, baby oil, mineral oil, or heavy cream around the eyes for several days after treatment.
  • Eyeliner will almost always require a touchup because the saline in our eyes will often fade the initial application considerably.

Permanent Lips:

  • If you get cold sores in or around the mouth, you must take an antiviral for one day before treatment and 2 to 3 days afterward. The lift line for full lip procedure may trigger an outbreak even if you’d generally suffer from outbreaks on a rare occasion. I recommend that you take 1500 mg of Valtrex, Zovirax, or Acyclovir each day. Ask your doctor.
  • If you have a cold sore on the day of the treatment, we will reschedule the procedure.
  • Try to avoid greasy, oily, and acidic foods while you’re healing.
  • Avoid hot, steamy drinks until the treatments are healed.
  • If possible, drink through a straw during the healing process.
  • After lip-filled treatment, lips will look bold and bright for several days. During the first few weeks, the color will fade and may even look blotchy. The color will fully develop in 3 to 6 weeks. Lips often required 2 touchups to achieve the desired effect.